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Old 08-06-2017, 02:27 PM   #166
Godfather of Girls-platinum
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Default Re: Adult Games Collection for you

My Legacy Version 0.8.1

Info: This game will be about a single man, who works as creator of erotic novels and because of that work and his craziness he is lonely all the time. But he isn’t all alone. He has his pals “Mr. D” and “the brain”. All of them come to the conclusion that it would be the best idea ever to continue the guys legacy by impregnating the females of the family of his brother, when they came for a visit to him.
In this update are 2 "normal" scenes (not the amount of the big cross-scenes) for Jennifer and Anna. For Sarahs new low self-esteem scene are so many playable ways that i will it release with 0.8.1 on Saturday, the 5th August.
The August will have a weekly update rate with much content, because i have now 6 weeks holidays. Much time to finish the game. Also i will release a demo for the second game in August. Polls for that second game will start the next few days (mainly models for the character polls). And of course more Info about that second game.

The picture above is a teaser for the new Sarah scene.

To reach the scenes with Anna and Jennifer you have to do:
Anna - Take her corruption high and reach her last scene
Jennifer - Take her coolness high and reach her last scene

With both of the scenes you can progress (higher/lower their stats)

Platform: Windows
Language: English
Censored: 1530 Mb

Dreaming of Dana - New Version 0.057

Info: You take on the role of rich kid that has had everything handed to him his entire life making him quite an indolent little ass.
Now he is working for his for his father's company and not enjoying himself to much. Working along side him is his sister Dana, the apple of his father's eye. And for whom he is slowly discovering feeling long buried and forgotten.
You will have the chance to meet a cast of characters along and hopefully have sex with most of them
What does it contain?

What does it contain?
4 scenes.
2 bigger ones and 2 smaller ones. That are tied to one of the bigger ones. But only one sex scene. I wanted to advance their story w/o penetration for once. Tell me what you think about that. Must we have a sex scene with every patch?
A few bugfixes, but not that many.
Also I've made the new scenes non repeatable. I'm thinking of making most of them that way. I think it's more believable. But I'll have to make a gallery before I do that. So players can go back and revisit them.

If you don't want to be spoiled at all, don't read the next paragraph.
They are pretty much random scenes. They all start in your office. Just keep playing and they will fire. The only requirement is the first Dana getaway.
The first scene is a stand alone. You'll help Dana chose a new employee. The game will remember your choice, and I'll intro a mini sub plot, in a future patch, depending on your choice.

The second one is what I like to call "meeting the geek squad". If you choose to be an asshole, the scene will end, and you'll never hear from them again. If not, a mini sub plot opens up, where you can make Dana see some cruelty in her behaviour. She will be grateful if you do.
Anyway, after meeting the geek squad, if you'll be prompted next day at the office, whether you wish to pursue this sub plot. If you say no, that will be that. If you say yes, then the two smaller scenes will fire.

Platform: Windows
Language: English
Censored: 5180 Mb

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