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Old 07-18-2017, 04:06 PM   #22
Godfather of Girls-platinum
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Default Re: Adult Games Collection for you

House Party Version 0.6.5

User Controls:
W, S – Move forward/back
A, D – Strafe left/right
C, Z – Crouch/Stand

Real size after unzip - 3,3 GB!!

Alternately, hold down both mouse buttons to move forward
Right Mouse click and drag to move camera
Press I or use the icon on the bottom-right for inventory
Press Left or Right or use the on-screen arrows to cycle through inventory items
Left Click on a character to talk to them.
Left Click on an object to interact with it (Must be close enough)
Left Click on a dialogue option to select it.
Press Escape or use the icon on the bottom-right to pull up the game menu
The House Party game (which is available for free right now on the site mentioned below) is similar to a lot of the browser-based games where your choices influence your success as you progress in the game, but it plays like a first-person RPG with interactive game models, characters, and physics, like the aforementioned Leisure Suit Larry. My inclination is to take these games in a much more raunchy direction than the LSL series however. The games will be ripe with foul language, nudity, and sex, but hopefully be just as funny and engaging. There isn't much of a story to play though right now, just a few objectives to complete while I work on the gameplay mechanics. There are multiple story-paths though and different outcomes based on your decisions.
•General Bug Fixes
•Reworked some of the opening dialogues so the player can redeem himself in some cases
•Added mouse sensitivity
•Added inverted mouse y option
•Fixed a bug where nudity censors don’t work after loading a saved game
•Camera state now loads correctly from a saved game
•Crouch state now loads correctly from a saved game
•Photos taken with the camera now correctly save and load with games
•Updated camera to be more responsive to user input (should alleviate motion sickness and jerkiness)
•Stopped NPCs from socializing with each other when they are in a dialogue with the player
•Worked on player input mechanics toward a smoother experience
•Fixed a bunch of typos
•Crouch now crouches lower. You’re welcome, Stephanie

Censorship : no
Platform: PC/Windows
Language: English
Size : 1000 Mb

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